The 1st industrial Macrolotto of Prato is the largest industrial subdivision created in Italy in the 1980s on a totally private initiative.

This industrial area extends in the southern district of the Municipality of Prato for approximately 150 hectares, where today over 700 micro and small businesses (mPI) operate, employing approximately 3/4,000 people.
The legal instrument that regulated this subdivision was a simple
mandate contract, with which the over 200 land owners came together to support the costs necessary for the construction of the urbanization works in the area.

Once these works and the production and management facilities envisage the subdivision plan were completed, the 1st Macrolotto gave rise to the company “CONSER, consortium of services of the 1st Macrolotto Industriale of Prato” to better protect the investments by qualifying the area both from an infrastructural and service point of view and which was capable of managing the centralized water recycling system with adjoining industrial and fire prevention aqueduct.

Conser S.c.c.p.A., the sole manager of the area, was established by the developers in 1982.